
Here are a number of my personal projects that I have developed or am actively developing that I have written some details about on this site.


Mush is a command line tool I am developing to make backing up data an effortless task. Mush will take multiple source directories and mush them together into a single destination directory whilst allowing files and folders to be ignored with an ignore file and also taking care to deduplicate data.
A simple web server which I am doing to expand and reinforce my skills with C++. I am also simultaneously developing the same server with Rust so I can compare the languages as well as a good opportunity to get to grips with the lower level workings of the web and web-server security considerations.
A simple web server written in rust which I am developing simultaneously with a matching server in C++ so that I can learn the similarities and the differences between the languages as well as a good opportunity to get to grips with the lower level workings of the web and web-server security.
A simple web application created to learn more about working with freeswitch, voip and sip
A small project created for fun to learn about the concepts of 2d game programming using the canvas web api and